Equity, diversity, inclusion, and family support


The CRC is committed to provide an inclusive, diverse and safe work environment. On the antidiscrimination webpage of the physics department you can find information on how to get support and how to report cases of discrimination. Furthermore, you can always contact the spokesperson of the CRC with your observations and suggestions.


Mental health is an important element of a safe work environment. Information on this topic and useful links are collected on the mental health webpage of the physics department.

Family support

The CRC provides support for young families. We can help to find child
care places via our cooperation partners. Further information on this
program can be found at the Dual Career & Familiy Support website of
the University of Cologne.

For conferences and CRC events, we can provide extra support for your
small kids.

You are also make use our parent-child room:

© Lisa Beller

To create a family friendly environment the Physics Department at the University of Cologne has set up a parent-child room supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The room offers a back-up option for combining work and child care in case of urgency, e. g. gaps in child care or in exceptional circumstances.

All employees at the physics institutes and external staff of associated research groups are permitted to use the room, provided no work-related matters have priority. Furthermore, all physics students are welcome to use the room.

The room must be booked in advance:

The parent-child room is located in the

Institute for Physics II
Zülpicher Straße 77
50937 Cologne
Room No. 0.316 (L2.2-01)

The key can be obtained from the secretary of the Institute for Physics II


Carmen Handels
phone: 0221/470-5829
email: handels@ph2.uni-koeln.de

as representative Dr. Harald Kierspel
phone: 0221/4706386
email: kierspel@ph2.uni-koeln.de


Besides a workplace offering network access (please bring your own laptop), you will find:

  • Baby chan­ging unit
  • Child chairs
  • First aid kit for child­ren
  • Sofa with bre­ast­fee­ding pil­low
  • Port­a­crib
  • Baby bott­le/food war­mer
  • Child­ren’s car­pet, toys
  • Child­ren’s li­bra­ry
  • Sink with hand hy­gie­ne ma­te­ri­al
  • Towe­let­tes for sur­face dis­in­fec­tion
  • Breast milk pump rental and radiant
  • heater for changing unit are available on demand

Please sign the rules and fill out the key authorisation form. You will need to deposit an ID card or driving license for the key.

© Martina Markus